
Geoffrey Strong

March 6, 2013

I was going to wait until I’d read Mrs. Tree and Mrs. Tree’s Will to write about Geoffrey Strong, but I’m doing a mystery novel thing now, and I don”t know how long it’s going to take me to get around to them. Also I’m sort of sad about the implied death of Mrs. Tree.

Geoffrey Strong is short and sweet — very both — and reminded me a little bit of Joseph Crosby Lincoln (always a plus) and Myrtle Reed (in a good way, which isn’t a given). In a lot of ways, it’s the same story as Lavender and Old Lace, complete with a woman who puts a lantern in her window every night in memory of a lover who was lost at sea. Only better.

The woman in question here is Miss Vesta Blyth, an elderly spinster of the sweet and softly regretful variety who lives with her sister Phoebe, an elderly spinster of the acid-tongued, man-hating variety. Their house is the nicest house in town, and when Geoffrey Strong shows up in town to sub in for the local doctor, who’s got to go abroad or somewhere for his health, he decides he wants to live in it.

He insinuates himself into the Blyth girls’ good graces in the nicest way possible and moves in with them, and everything’s cool until their niece (also Vesta Blyth) shows up to recuperate from a nervous breakdown. She’s worn herself out at college, and Geoffrey is intensely disapproving, because apparently women are naturally unfitted for study. He’s super condescending, and it’s nice to see that being set up for a fall instead of tacitly approved by the author. Also there’s a bicycle crash, and delirium. It’s great. As for the rest of the book — well, the things you think are going to happen do happen, and the tone stays right all the way through. Laura E. Richards is pretty awesome, you know?


  1. I’ve been really enjoying your blog but am loath to read an entire book in an e-format ( I’m perversely attached to paper). But this review might push me over the edge. I really want to read this. It is with mixed feelings that I thank you for a great review.

    • Paper is always nicest, of course, but when a book isn’t easily available in paper, avoiding the ebook privileges format over content. That’s how I’ve dealt with my book-snobbishness, anyway.

      This is probably a good one to start with if you’re skeptical about ebooks, since it’s so short.

  2. I liked Lavender and Old Lace and I think I’ll like this one.

    • You will definitely like this one.

  3. I DO know! I usually love her stories. And I adore Mrs. Tree. Have you read the Calvin Parks books? There are three I know of–The Wooing of Calvin Parks, On Board the Mary Sands, and Up to Calvin’s. Sort of in the Joseph Crosby Lincoln vein. Very enjoyable.

    • I haven’t read the Calvin Parks series — just the Hildegarde and Margaret books, part of The Green Satin Gown, and our namesake book. I just went and looked at the Laura E. Richards wikipedia article and I’m super excited that there are so many of her books still left for me to read.

    • I just got (and read–in one afternoon) The Wooing of Calvin Parks. I had NO idea there were sequels. I must go find them now.

  4. Going abroad, needed books to read. Here we go…

    • Have you read Tam o’ the Scoots yet?

      • On my kindle.

        • Omg Tam o’ the Scoots.

          • I KNOW, RIGHT?

  5. Relatedly, just finished Geoffrey Strong. Cute.

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