
In search of recommendations again

November 3, 2011

I’m about to go on vacation, and I’m not sure how much reading time I’m going to have, but there will be a couple of pretty long plane trips in there, so…anyone want to suggest things for me to put on my kindle?

ETA: Thanks for all the suggestions! See you in a little over a week!


  1. I don’t know if this is the genre you’re going for, but lately, I’ve been in love with everything Edward Streeter did. Yay mid-century humor! In the same vein, I have Mr and Mrs Cugat, originator of I Love Lucy, in the queue, and just read See Here, Private Hargrove. Good stuff.

    • Cool! I’ve just downloaded Streeter’s Dere Mable. I’m skipping the rest because they’re not public domain, but I’ll keep an eye out for them.

      And, not having read any of your recommendations, I’m not sure, but it sounds like you might get a kick of the Torchy books — have you tried them?

      • Oooh, I’ll check out Torchy; thanks! I haven’t read Dere Mable, but it’s on the list. I have the feeling that it’s quite different from his later stuff (a la Father of the Bride), but I hope it’s still funny.

  2. I recently finished Patricia Brent, Spinster – Herbert George Jenkins (1918) and thought it might be something you’d enjoy. It’s very light, but a great wartime England romantic comedy (there are so many :)

    • Sounds like fun. Thanks!

  3. I don’t know if you’ve already conquered Kathleen Norris, but The Beloved Woman is proving an interesting read for me right now. And I recently finished Concerning Sally by William John Hopkins; I thought that was pretty good.

    • I’ve read one of Norris’ books and mostly liked it, and I have another sitting on my kindle — maybe it’s time to come back to her. I glanced at Concerning Sally and I have no idea what it’s about, but I’m downloading it anyway.

  4. How about “The Island of Doctor Moreau”?

    • Probably a book I should read, but I’m not very good with animal cruelty. I mean, if I read a book where someone shoots a dog, I usually fail out of it pretty much right away, so I’m not sure if I could deal with Dr. Moreau.

      • Then this is one you’ll want to stay away from.

  5. Since I think that these are the sort of books you’ll like, it’s quite possible that I became aware of them through your recommendation! If so, apologies. If not, read and enjoy! The three by Geraldine Booner are on Kindle (free, because they’re out of copyright).

    E. Phillips Oppenheim The Great Impersonation
    Geraldine Bonner The Girl at Central
    Geraldine Bonner The Black Eagle Mystery
    Geraldine Bonner Miss Maitland Private Secretary

    If you feel like something brand new, I whole-heartedly recommend Joanna Bourne The Black Hawk.

    • Yeah, I reviewed the Bonner books not too long ago. They’re pretty great, aren’t they?

      I also have four or five Oppenheims sitting on my kindle. I’m not sure if The Great Impersonation is one of them, but if it is (and I decide that this is the week when I read more than half of one of his books) that will be the one I try first.

      • Ah, I had a feeking it was you who put me on to the Bonner books. Thank you for that – they are a delight!

        Have a lovely trip.

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