
Book Blogger Convention

May 24, 2010

So, here’s a cool thing: on Friday I will be attending the first annual Book Blogger Convention, which is being held here in New York on the last day of Book Expo America.

I’ve had this blog for over three years now, and I’m really proud of the fact that I’ve kept it going for this long, and, more than that, that I still love it. I still get excited about making posts, and getting comments, and just…sharing my discoveries. And discovering that someone else loves a book that I wasn’t really convinced anybody else had even read is impossibly wonderful.

But I’ve also been blogging in a bit of a vacuum. I read a few other book blogs, but I’m not very good about keeping up with them. So, while I suspect that no one else there will be blogging about the same sort of books as I do, I’m really looking forward to talking to other people who get a kick out of writing about books.

On the other hand, I worry that I’m supposed to have business cards.

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